Singapore to London May – July 2019.

I’m riding my motorcycle from Singapore to Europe starting April/Mayr, 2019. I go through Malaysia, Thailand and Laos before joining a group ride through western China. After a month in China riding through Tibet I will enter Kirghistan. Then into Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia,  Estonia, Sweden, Germany, Holland and the UK.  I will see places like Lhasa, Mount Everest base camp, cities along the silk route, Volgograd and Moscow.

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Bogota to Buenos Aires June-August 2018

I’m doing a motorcycle trip from Bogota to Buenos Aires spending a couple of months traveling through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.  Exciting!  I will fly to Bogota and ship my motorcycle to there and from there go south in Colombia into Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina.  This will be my longest motorcycle trip so far and should be a real adventure.

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Along the “devil’s backbone” roa



Mexico February 2018

Mexico is very close to Texas so riding there should be an easy trip.  However, when I mention that Mexico would be a nice place to ride my motorcycle to I get blank stares back and people telling me it’s very dangerous and it’s very likely that I’d get robbed, dragged into a drug cartel or getting killed.  The propaganda in the US is pretty adamant that Mexico is a very dangerous place to visit and even more so with the current president.  But after reading several blogs about people riding their bikes into Mexico and saying they had no problems I finally had the courage and the health to ride my bike to Mexico. I have been ill for two months including pneumonia but also a couple of chest infections. It was still with trepidation that I finally set off after packing the bike. The bike is my newish Triumph Tiger 800 Xrx which is lighter and more dual purpose than my Triumph Trophy which is more of a pure touring bike.

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Lyndon B Johnson Park close to Fredericksburg




Big Bend July 2017

The Big Bend US national park is located in the very southern  part of Texas and has a 120 mile long border with Mexico.   It’s location is very remote which means it’s a long journey from the big cities of Texas to get there, and hence it’s one of the least visited national parks of he USA.  From a motorcycle riding point of view there are several interesting (twisty) roads to get to and from the park and I’ve been thinking of going there for some time.  My provisional route  is to go to Fredericksburg, then south-west through the Texas hill country taking in the so called twisted sisters roads, then follow US 90 westwards and in to the Big Bend park.

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Billy the kid from Fort Sumner




Western USA 4600 mile round trip

Since moving the the USA in 2012 I haven’t made many long motorcycle trips apart from a one week trip from Houston, where I live, to Grand Canyon and back.  Also my life circumstances has changed by getting married and the wife having a baby so I wasn’t really thinking of making any trips.  However, I’m not young anymore and if I didn’t do trips soon I would, probably, never get around to it…  So when I  found a blog on the internet by a group who did a round trip in western USA with a route that  included many interesting and scenic places that I would like to see,  it inspired me to plan for and make my first long trip on the motorcycle in the USA.  The trip will go through a number of states surrounding and crossing the Rockies and will take around two weeks.   I made long trips while living in Singapore, to Malaysia and Thailand so I should be used to long days on the bike.

I will be riding my Triumph Trophy which is a fantastic motorcycle for long days in the saddle.  It’s a big touring bike with a very comfortable seat, a big engine making for relaxed riding, and panniers to put my luggage in.  The only negative is that it’s a bit heavy…..

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I am spending some time in Sweden in the summer every year and have done several nice trips in the county of Jämtland and also in Norway.

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South America 2024

I decided I needed to go to South America again, I loved the time I was there in 2018 even though the trip was rushed because of late arrival of the motorcycle.  This time I’m shipping my motorcycle from Singapore to Valparaiso in Chile.  I’m going south to Ushuaia on the east coast of Argentina and back north on the western part of the continent taking in the glaciers, lakes and mountains of Chile and Argentina.

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South America 2025

I felt the need to travel and chose to go to South America.  It’s winter in the northern hemisphere and not conducive for motorcycle travel, so I chose to go to South America again.

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